There's been a lot of talk about what people do and don't agree with as it relates to our respective candidates proposed usage of governmental structure. But, let's throw this out there- do we really know what we don't or do agree with or are we regurgitating the respective views of our cable news channels of choice. Beyond the sound bites we can rattle off from memory, or what "we heard" that candidate x or y said, what do we really know? Christians are often woefully inept at being aware of the issues our candidates stand for, choosing instead to stand on either side of the ideological aisle based in large part on what few things in a candidate's platform differ with our narrow minded (often) Christian fundamentalist views. You don't want to ban abortion, believing that morality is not something to legislate but rather to instill from our supposed bastions of moral knowledge- religious institutions. You support the overwhelming support of the 2nd amendment, it obviously means you're a right wing nut job who cares only about capital gains and personal liberties, even if those come at the expense of another. Really, we mostly pantomime what we hear others say because it's easier.
So, I ask simply, what policies, ideals, and positions do you disagree from our candidates. Give specifics and don't waste time with sound bites. And for the sake of this discussion, leave faith out of it.
Pursue. Original.
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Friday, August 29, 2008
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Healthcare...any hint of the concept of socialization turns me off. Should I as a young, healthy individual be responsible for paying for the hospital visits of people who chose to live less responsible lives? Rather than handing my money to the government to then hand to the healthcare industry on behalf of any sick American, I'd rather start a charity organization that buys gym memberships for fat people.
To improve healthcare, I believe the reform needs take place in regulation of insurance companies.
Bigger Government....If you take a look at the welfare system, government housing and education, all three are playing a significant role in the demise of our society. Let's take welfare and government housing first; when did it become acceptable for citizens to not be responsible for their well being? Why is it the governments responsibility to ensure they have a home. If you take a walking or driving tour through any area that has homes subsidized by the government what do you find, crime, drugs, prostitution etc... With or without faith mixed into the equation, when you do not work for your money, you are simply handed a check because you are an American without a job, it fosters the idea of entitlement. By in large, Americans have forgotten that government is not the answer to prosperity and a better life, it is hard work and sacrifice. There is a generation of Americans that don't work an honest job, they work the system. To see true change, it takes more than a new president, no matter the political affiliation. We must return to the belief that an individuals choices effect the outcome of their life. If you chose to drop out of school and forego an eduction, that choice limits your life. You are not guaranteed a nice home, fancy cars and an endless bank account. Those items come from hard work, and sacrafice not a wellfare check.
If you want to see the future today related to the idea of entitlement, simply look at Europe. Countries with extremely high taxes, poor social services and a socialistic mindset. The ideas our forefathers fought and died to free us from.
I could go on and on with other areas; tax breaks, education, health care, however, what we must realize NOW more than ever is government won't change with one man, true change begins with our mayors, city counselors, congressmen,senators, local judges and supreme court justices. Those individuals truly affect our lives on a daily basis. True change in society begins at home, turning off the TV, reading a book and realizing if I want more tomorrow than I have today I must do more today than I did yesterday.
Let me start by saying I think our Politics should stem from our Worldview. Our worldview should stem from our life experiences and our faith. And while life experiences are different for each of us, our faith should stem from unchanging values. I say all that to say you shouldn't and really you can't separate Politics from Faith but you should be able to discuss it on the level of your worldview, without using Christian vernacular, and be able to do it logically and coherently. And it bugs me how few Christians can do that.
Now what is my worldview:
I believe in a strong work ethic. I don't believe this is a White-mans world, I believe its a working mans world. No one is entitled to more than they work for, period.
I believe in strong education. I don't have a lot of thought put into this area but essentially it has to do with raising the standards for students and not letting them advance until they're met. Teachers should be held to high standards but not by government regulated tests and spreadsheets. Government run anything is chaotic, bloated, and inefficient.
I believe in a very strong military. "Peace through Strength."
I believe in strong punishment for criminals, though the more I learn the less I like our current judiciary system. Its too subjective from judge to jury and state to state. I don't like that laws are interpreted at the whims of people with no ability to be objective, tough, logical, and constant.
Adding to the previous statement, I believe in capital punishment. Again, I would like to see the judiciary system overhauled but I believe the government can and should end the life of those it deems deserving (again based on laws that are objective, tough, logical, and constant)
I do not believe in big government. As I mentioned by personal experience and repeated news coverage anything the government runs tends to be chaotic, bloated, and inefficient. From our tax system (I support the Fair Tax big time), to our education system, to our disaster relief agency (Anyone remember Katrina), and on and on. The more the government runs the less productive and efficient that sector becomes.
I do not believe in Abortion. It amazes me that a party soooo pro-everything, soooooo loving and accepting, sooooooo seemingly supportive of those that have no voice would not only look the other way on abortion but actually demand its ability. It boggles my mind. For a long time I used to be open to abortion only for extreme circumstances like rape, serious health issues (for either baby or mother), but I have begun to view it ALL wrong. I don't believe in abortion in any circumstance.
Anyway, for brevity sake I'll leave it to those points and move on.
To focus that worldview onto this political season I believe McCain will be the man who runs an administration in line with my worldview. For brevity I'll only focus on why I disagree with Obama.
Personally I don't care about age or sex or race, they are factors but so far down the list they aren't worth discussing, I do care about record. What you have done speaks a lot louder than what you intend to do. For all of Obama's rhetoric, he hasn't done anything he will point to as a specific act he intends to repeat or define as showing his character. What he has done is what every other politician has done, promise a bright future. Not only do I not hear details, I don't agree with the general statements he makes about plans and policy's.
Obama says he will only increase taxes on the top 5% of Americas wealth. My first thought is, those are the poeple who currently drive our economy with their investments in every kind of business in America. You take away their ability to invest, by extension, you take away the drive behind what creates jobs, initiates research endeavors, endows schools and non-profit organizations. In the long term you create a society more dependent on the government.
I disagree in his plans to provide health-care to everyone...sounds good but again it stalls everyone else's personal ambitions FOR the common good. By definition that sounds a lot like socialism. Providing this to those who can't/won't find a way to get it for themselves would further create dependency on the government. A bad thing in my mind.
Obama mentioned that he would go through the budget line by line and eliminate what doesn't work and reduce others that are under performing. While thats his job its not up to him alone, Congress has to approve his budget. Secondly I don't think I would agree with the programs he deems good or bad.
Finally my biggest issue with this country is probably the judicial system. The interpretations of the law aren't founded on anything concrete. But since that what we've got I feel it is imperative that our Supreme Court Justice Nominations be people who do have a history of being objective, logical, constant, and in my opinion based on a worldview that reflects Biblical values.
All that said, I still enjoy hearing people with varying opinions on issues talk it out. Because while I believe in a founded and absolute value system, I am not. (always refining though)
As an interesting side note, there have only been 2 Senators to go on to become President in the history of the US. Lincoln and Kennedy...neither survived office.
I'll try and post more sometime, but in short,
I believe the premise that responsibility ultimately lies upon the individual. (republic type thought)
Senator Obama's and others premise is responsibility ultimately lies upon the government. (this is a socialist/communisitic government thought)
I disagree with the insistence on which the Republican party seeks to propigate the fear of terror. While terrorisim is a very real threat it should not be used as a political device. When asked whether evil exists and, if so, whether we should ignore it, negotiate with it, contain it, or defeat it McCain unconditionally identified evil as terror and Al Queda. While terror is definitly evil there are other evils in this world. The evil of poverty the evil of homelessness or the evil of depression. McCain's inability to realize that evil is complex and multi-faceted makes me question his ability to see a complete picture of the world. He chooses instead to see the distorted image created by eight years of fear. Fear that has killed countless americans and plunged the country deeper in debt.
Obama has a different plan for America. His thoughts about a carefully planned troop withdrawal is accepted both in the international community and by this current administration. His thoughts about efficent government and eliminating programs that don't work has the potential to save this country millions of dollars. His plan to introduce universal healthcare will place the US on par with most all of the European nations (most of the G8 nations have universal healthcare and look at the US system as antiquated and ineffective). It will reduce corruption of pharmecuetical companies by standardizing healthcare rates. It will help senior citizens not have to decide between medication or food.
Hardwork and sacrifice will not help americans achieve the succes they deserve if the government does not consider the needs of the middle class. Policies set in place that increase the gap between the rich and poor will always hinder the working man from achieving the dream. Better government does not always mean bigger government. It means an effective distribution of funds that are already being used to equally benifit both the rich and the poor. The repeal of the estate tax, Haliburton and esclating gas prices (due to the deregulation of gas speculators) are all examples of things that have been designed to specifically help the rich. Can you name one that has been created to help the middle class or poor?
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