Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kroger Randomness...

So, it has again been a while since last I blogged.  Partly, this is because I am blogging regularly at a new blog authoured by several friends of mine,, and quite honestly it is mostly because I just keep forgetting.  I would promise that I will get and /or be better, but all I can promise is that I will try...really, really hard.  But enough of the potentially empty promises, let's try to update you on the past month...

But first, a digression.  I am sitting at Kroger grocery store (because they have free internet and are extremely deserted at midnight on a sunday).  As I sit here I look up, only to be greeted by the sight of two girls walking around in the most curious and unnecessarily scandalous outfits I think I've seen in a while.  One is in the standard, "I am going out on a Sunday night" attire, with the too short shorts and shirt that shows a middrift.  And, just in case you were wondering if I were posting this blog a little late (say a summertime blog for instance), know that it is in fact December 28 and it in fact like 40 degrees outside.  Warm by some standards for sure, but definitely not "warm."  This idea is further ensconced by the fact that nher friend is wearing a semi-winter jacket with her own too short, ass hugging shorts and unnecessarily tall heels.  Is the need for atention so great that you will risk the discomfort that is sure to accompany such an outfit in this weather only to be noticed by someone of the opposite sex?  But then I think, is this really all that different from ridiculous machinations that I have found myself engaging in to be noticed and applauded?  Not really I suppose, just a different shade of the same stupidity.  Nevertheless, here's a picture of this particular shade (not the greatest picture I know, it was off my phone)...

Ok, other things.  I have spent the past several days in rural Missouri visiting/meeting my girlfriend's family.  For those of you who follow my twitter account or facebook page, you know that the first night I was there I broke her family's oven...on Christmas Eve!!!  I'm still alive and a series of jokes at my expense filled the rest of the week- good times (no seriously, it's all good). Spending time out in the middle of relatively nowhere was good on a number of fronts.  I was cut off from my normal overconnectedness that comes in the way of facebook, twitter, myspace, multiple blogs, multiple email addresses, texting, get the point.  I got the opportunity to spend time- actual time- thinking and processing, visiting with Carly and her family and just confronting the realities of being.  It was awesome.  I won't be naive enough to say that I succeeded at being regularly, or even often, but I was at least aware of the need to be since there was really nothing else to do.  Ok, I'm rambling now...

Suffice it to say that this week has been great in the sense that it has forced me to question some things that I hold as a part of who I am.  It's not so much that I think this connectedness to the outside world is a bad thing, but it has given me pause to wonder how much of it is really necessary and how much of it is an opportunity for me to fill my life with stuff and avoid...something.  So, it's a proces'ssing time for me and there are a lot of questions on the table.  Carly's been good to pose some of the questions and it'll be interesting to see what answers God leads me to.  

P.S. Last night, Carly met Best Friend Trae (or just Trae) while we had our brief stay in Tulsa.  I don't think she was prepared for the excitement and silliness that is our friendship union.  She rose to the occasion though, and jumped right in to the sarcastic silliness.  I have the best girlfriend ever.  Here's a picture they will both hate me for posting...

P.P.S. A woman just walked into Kroger in her bathrobe to rent a movie from the little movie renting kiosk.  I love late night Kroger.

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